RPA Rifle Technical Documentation

Technical Component Documentation

The following technical section relates specifically to the Rangemaster 7.62mm rifle. The Rangemaster 7.62 incorporates the RPA Quadlite® action and RPA Trigger used throughout the RPA range of products. This section will shortly be expanded to cover the RPA Quadlock® action. For further information please contact Rangemaster Precision Arms direct.

RangeMaster Technical DocumentationTypeSize
Safety GuidelinesPDF736Kb
Cleaning AdvicePDF596Kb
Trigger AssemblyPDF1.5Mb
Bolt Head AssemblyPDF3.1Mb
Bolt Handle AssemblyPDF340Kb
Firing Pin AssemblyPDF764Kb
Bolt Stop AssemblyPDF356Kb
Safety LeverPDF512Kb
Dimensions & DetailsPDF780Kb
General Technical DocumentationTypeSize
Care of Stainless Steel BarrelsPDF84Kb
General DocumentationTypeSize
Rangemaster Precision Arms – WarrantyPDF36Kb

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General Safety Guidelines

Always assume the firearm is loaded

Treat the firearm as if it were loaded at all times and handle accordingly. Do not rely on the safety switch and always refer to the users manual prior to operation. Rough or careless handling can cause accidental discharge.

Never make adjustments

Unless qualified to do so, do not make changes to any part of the firearm. Component parts are manufactured to exacting standards and must not be modified.

Personal safety

Always wear ear protection such as plugs or ear muffs. Failure to comply with this, can and will cause permanent damage to your hearing leading to deafness. Never use the firearm when under the influence of alcohol or drugs. When possible use eye protection.

Muzzle sense

Keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times.

Never use incorrect ammunition

Only use ammunition of the calibre that the firearm is designed for. This is typically marked on the barrel.

Load safely

Never load your firearm unless you are in a location deemed safe to shoot and when you are ready to shoot.

Locate your target

Make sure that you have identified the target clearly and are aware of the surrounding beyond the target. Remember that high velocity bullets can travel; many miles before falling from the sky.

Failure to fire

Should your firearm fail to discharge (hang fire) keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times. Wait for 30 seconds then unload very carefully avoiding exposure to the breach.

Unload your firearm when not in use

Never carry or store a loaded firearm in a building or vehicle. Unload the weapon if travelling difficult terrain, which could cause you to lose control over your weapon by tripping or falling. Your firearm is not considered safe unless the bolt is cocked and the magazine removed.

Care of your rifle

Your rifle will provide years of trouble free service if cared for. Follow a regular cleaning routine after firing, keeping the barrel free from debris and obstruction. Always check that the barrel is clear prior to use. Have the weapon checked periodically by a competent gunsmith and replace any worn or missing parts.