RPA Sights, Mount Brackets & Scope Rails
RPA Scope Mount
RPA One Piece Scope Mount (2018 Edition). This is currently available in Zero MOA, but
we will soon be offering it in 30MOA. Available at £200 (which includes VAT at 20%). Please
add £6.50 for Postage
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https://www.rpainternational.co.uk/simpay id=”1665″]
RPA Trakker® 22mm Adjustable Front Sight
The RPA Trakker® 22mm is a height adjustable front sight incorporating anti-cant level.
It enables a full range of distances to be shot without changing front sight or moving your rifle cheek piece.
RPA Trakker® Rear Sight
The RPA Trakker® precision rear sight offers a range of “Iron” rear sight’s to suit most rifle types and shooting disciplines, with right or left handed models available. They feature clearly marked knobs which can be easily zeroed and a generous 30 minutes of windage movement either side of zero, with smooth positive clicks and no lost motion.
RPA Trakker® Rear Sight
The RPA Trakker® precision rear sight offers a range of “Iron” rear sight’s to suit most rifle types and shooting disciplines,
with right or left handed models available. They feature clearly marked knobs which can be easily zeroed and a generous 30 minutes
of windage movement either side of zero, with smooth positive clicks and no lost motion.
RPA Trakker® 22mm Front Sight
Fixed front sight. Threaded to suit Gehmann or Centra inserts. Slotted for standard 22mm elements.
RPA Trakker® 22mm Front Sight with Level
Fixed front sight incorporating anti-cant level. Slotted to accept standard 22mm elements.
RPA Trakker® Side Mount Bracket
The RPA Trakker® side mount bracket is available to suit most common target rifle actions.
RPA Scope Rails for Quadlock® & Quadlite®
RPA Scope rails are built to suit RPA Quadlock® and Quadlite® actions.